
Chateau de Belet Event Venue – Corporate, Group, Wedding, Celebrations

Chateau de Belet - Magnificent Historic Venue

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Price – 3000€/single day rental, cold space, 24 hours.

Catering – Caterer kitchen and Bar space (electric single and three phase, and water). Full truck access for deliveries.

Room – Two mezzanine for entertainment services – music, film crews, lighting, head table.

Capacity – 190 person seated inside capacity includes 40 m2 square dance floor, service isle capacity with round table seated arrangement.

Optional Space rental – 300 person outside capacity (Circular Court of Honor, front of castle courtyard). Price 500€

Interior up ceiling and wall décor lighting with perimeter sockets for display or vignette showcase lighting

Parking for 500 persons

Noise, music, lights Ordinance applies, 1am hard stop

No smoking allowed on property

Clean up fee 400€

Excludes castle, rear or side valley view terrace and terrace pool access, guest parking area.


Q Direct Booking - Best Available Rates

Call French and English speaking concierge +33788405771